Our Supporters 20

Our Supporters


Michael G. Donahue, III, Managing Shareholder at Stark & Stark, P.C. and Gary Garrido Schneider, Executive Director at Grounds For Sculpture at the Night Forms 2023 Opening Night Celebration

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Grounds For Sculpture is deeply grateful to our community of individuals and institutions for their ongoing philanthropic commitment and would like to recognize their investment in our organization. This listing includes gifts received between January 1, 2024-December 31, 2024 in support of GFS’s annual fund and endowment pledge payments.

This list is limited to contributions of $250 and above. Members are listed by their tax-deductible gift amounts.

Grounds For Sculpture welcomes gifts of any size and makes an effort to ensure the accuracy of its list of donors. If we have made an error or omission, please accept our apologies, and notify us immediately by contacting the Development Office at 609.249.0245.

To make a donation to Grounds For Sculpture call the number listed above or donate online. Thank you!

Grounds For Sculpture is grateful for the generous support of our late founder, Seward Johnson, his family, and the family foundations–collectively, they have gifted more than $140,000,000 for the land, buildings and sculpture, and provided the necessary resources to help build the organization’s capacity and infrastructure–creating a sculpture park and museum like no other.


Grounds For Sculpture thanks our growing list of Business Members. This special group of thought leaders and change-makers understand that a thriving community requires thriving arts and culture. Our Business Membership program was created for enlightened corporations who want to make a difference in their communities, for their employees, and to the accessibility of arts for all. If you would like to learn more or join, please contact Karen Hollywood, Director of Corporate and Foundation Engagement, at khollywood@groundsforsculpture.org or 609.249.0248.


Grounds For Sculpture recognizes individuals who are supporting the future vitality, creativity, and growth of GFS with a commitment in their estate and financial plans as members of the Legacy Society. If you are interested in making an impact through planned giving, please contact Marissa Reibstein, Chief Development Officer, at mreibstein@groundsforsculpture.org.

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