This popular series of documentary film offers a though-provoking look at visionary artists and individuals pushing both artistic and personal boundaries – challenging or exceeding perceived limitations and setting new paths for performative work. Following each film, share your thoughts during an informal discussion led by experienced guest moderators.
In modern dance since the 1970s, few choreographers have had more influence in the medium than the late Pina Bausch. This film, by Wim Wenders, explores the life and work of this artist of movement while we see her company perform her most notable creations – where basic things like water, dirt and even gravity take on otherworldly qualities in their dancing.
Meet the Discussion Leader
Pamela Levy
Director of Youth Programs
Steps on Broadway
Pamela Levy holds an MA in Dance Education/ABT Ballet Pedagogy from New York University, and a BFA in Dance from Mason Gross School of the Arts at Rutgers University. She has served on the faculties of American Ballet Theatre’s Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis School Children’s Division, ABT’s Summer Intensives, and ABT’s Outreach Programs. Pamela is currently a member of ABT’s National Training Curriculum’s Artistic Board of Examiners.
Pamela has previously served as the Director of the Princeton Ballet School, Director of the ABT Certified School at Mason Gross Extension Division, Director of the Mark Morris Student Company II, and Washington Rock Youth Ballet. She has been a faculty member at Mason Gross School of the Arts, Marymount Manhattan College, Princeton University, Rider University, Teacher’s College at Columbia University, Ballet Forté and Mark Morris Dance Center among others. Pamela danced professionally with Murray Louis and Nikolais Dance, and the Metropolitan Opera Ballet. She is currently the Director of Steps Youth Programs in NYC.