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Artists In Action | Community Conversation

November 18 2023 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Price: Free with registration; Admission included
Spiral Q | Family Open Studios
Bruce Beasley, 'Dorion', 1986, stainless steel, 240 in x 360 in x 120 in, Grounds For Sculpture, Gift of The Seward Johnson Atelier, © Artist or Artist's Estate

Come learn about and inform our current community engagement practices and share your visions for the future. Join Artworks Trenton, Spiral Q, and Grounds For Sculpture staff as we gather to reflect on the experience of planning and creating our first public procession entitled Breaking Boundaries, Grounds For Gathering which took place on Saturday, July 29th. The procession was the outcome of a 3-week residency working in partnership with the Trenton community with the goal of deepening the relationship between Trenton, Artworks and GFS. Hence our current exhibition Spiral Q: The Parade, which spotlights 20 plus years of community lead public processions in partnership with Spiral Q. Join key stakeholders in the July 29th procession as we discuss expectations, surprises and lessons learned in the creation of this procession. How have relationships grown? What are the next steps to sustaining these relationships? All community members are welcome.

This program is in tandem with the exhibition Spiral Q: The Parade.

Julio Badel – Director of Education & Community Engagement, Grounds For Sculpture
Liza Goodell – Co-Director, Spiral Q
Craig Shofed – Director, Artworks Trenton
Nasir Square – Education & Community Outreach Coordinator, Artworks Trenton
Jennifer Turnbull – Co-Director, Spiral Q

Spiral Q + Artworks Trenton | Community Arts Residency 1

Spiral Q: The Parade Panels are supported by the New Jersey Council for the Humanities, a state partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Member Event
GFS Family Breakfast
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Museum Shop Event
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Wellness Walk
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