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Béla Fuko

  • Nationality Hungarian
  • Birthplace Hungary
  • Birth Date b. 1969
1. © Artist or Artist’s Estate

“To conceive and create something from within and through myself is an ecstatic feeling for me. … The whys of the search and the discovery of more whys is a mission crammed with excitement. As a young sculptor I would like to display such sculptures that move people to thought … I call my sculptures: touchable objects for meditation. I would like to … call peoples’ attention to the hidden secrets of the Collective Unconscious… The ongoing observation and speculation about existence will keep my sculptures alive. The observation of the spiritually charged, touchable, energy-filled objects for musing will be a personal affair. Hopefully through this individual searching, you will appreciate the experiences that are encoded in the sculpture and a joy that is fleeting will live again.” – Béla F?k?

Born in 1969, in Hungary, Béla F?k? studied at the University of Pécs. He earned a degree in drawing and visual education with a concentration in experimental sculpture instruction in 2001. While at the university, F?k? also studied with masters István Bencsik and Colin Foster. Select exhibitions include solo shows at the Gallery of Breuner Palace, Bécs, Austria and the ZÁRT Gallery, Budapest, Hungary; as well as group exhibitions in Japan (International Sculpture Biennale); Germany; and Hungary (Meeting of the Arts and Mediterranean Greetings from Pécs). The artist currently works and resides in Hungary.

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